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Fujita, Masanori; Sakai, Junpei; Oda, Hirotaka; Iwata, Mamoru
Building system for a composite steel-timber structure
In order to address global environmental issues, there is an urgent need for the building structure field to use as much timber as possible to contribute to reforestation, as well as to research and develop a building system that does not diminish the structure’s functionality and safety [1]. The building structure field is required to actively use this wood as timber, but the timber is too weak to use for large buildings. Research and development of an appropriate building system that can utilize such timber is necessary.
This study examines the possibility of developing a building system for a composite steel-timber structure utilizing the authors’ wealth of expertise in steel structure construction. Different types of composite steel-timber structure building systems are categorized, and their features are described. Furthermore, the individual types are evaluated for the performance requirements needed to develop a building system.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 7 (2014), Heft 3
Seite/n:     183-187
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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