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Zhang, Xi; Rasmussen, Kim
Tests of cold-formed steel portal frames with slender sections
Cold-formed steel sections are widely used in many applications such as structural frames, scaffolding systems, purlins and storage racks. In particular, cold-formed steel portal frames can be an alternative to conventional hot-rolled steel portal frames for industrial, rural and residential low rise buildings. The advantages of using cold-formed steels include a higher strength-to-weight ratio and reduced material, erection and transportation costs.
Over the past two decades a number of researchers [1] to [3] have undertaken tests on cold-formed steel portal frames. The tests mainly focused on the behaviour of joints, and employed relatively stocky sections. Hence, they provided little insight into the effects of cross-sectional instability on the overall stability of the frame.
In this paper, three portal frame tests are described, the main purpose of which was to study the effect of cross-sectional instability on the two-dimensional sway failure of cold-formed steel. The tests demonstrated significant local and distortional buckling before reaching the ultimate load. Finite element models were calibrated against the tests. The calibrated models therefore can be used for a parametric study to investigate the significance of the additional second-order effects caused by local/distortional bucking. The paper details the tests and the numerical simulations.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 7 (2014), Heft 3
Seite/n:     199-203
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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