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Brameshuber, Wolfgang
A proposal for the restructuring of the Eurocode EN 1996-1-1 / Ein Vorschlag zur Neustrukturierung des Eurocode EN 1996-1-1
In this article an attempt is made to simplify the application of EC 6 by a strict and clear division of the EC 6 into calculation, execution and materials. The calculation engineer does not, therefore, need to get involved with building materials specific parameters, which make it much more difficult to get a view over the variety of possible combinations. The introduction of classes in the characteristics that are relevant for building materials means that the structural engineer specifies suitable quantities necessary for his task, the builder/product manufacturer by suitable methods and choice of unit/mortar combinations achieves the required classes and, the product manufacturer, in particular, should be entitled to have the possibility of the individual specification, e. g. as part of general appraisal certificates.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 19 (2015), Heft 1
Seite/n:     52-63
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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