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Schlegel, Roger
Identification of parameters for comparing the trial data and the simulation model, using as the example brickwork exposed to fire / Parameteridentifikation zum Abgleich von Versuchsdaten und Simulationsmodell am Beispiel brandbeanspruchten Mauerwerks
Trials and simulations provide important aids in the development of products for constructing brickwork. The balance between measurement and simulation is one of the classic duties for model validation. If the difference between the measurement and the recalculation is excessive, an approximation task for minimizing the differences can be formulated. Optimization tasks for calibration between measurement and simulation are often deemed to be an identification problem. In the past this task was generally processed through iterative adaptation of individual characteristics. With the availability of parameter optimization programs, the iterative manual alignment can be automated and even more complex tasks can be dealt with. The necessity of such automated identification procedures becomes even more important due to the speed of innovation in current product development processes. Within virtual prototyping, virtual testing is the key towards a reduction in hardware tests. Only when reference experiments achieve a comparison of major results between measurement and simulation, can it be presumed that all the relevant phenomena for the actual test result are included in the virtual model and thus predictable models are available for virtual testing. Using brickwork exposed to fire as the example, with the aid of modern mathematical procedures, the article shows that parameter identification can be carried out in a systematic, efficient and target orientated manner.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 19 (2015), Heft 2
Seite/n:     152-163
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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