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Braun, Matthias; Obiala, Renata; Odenbreit, Christoph
Analyses of the loadbearing behaviour of deep-embedded concrete dowels, CoSFB
The development of the “CoSFB-Betondübel” is presented in this paper. The “CoSFB-Betondübel” is a deep-embedded concrete dowel connecting in situ concrete with a steel section to assure composite action and thus allow for composite beam design. The loadbearing behaviour and parameters influencing this behaviour were determined through experimental tests. Special focus was given to the influence of the ratio of the resistance of the concrete dowel to the concrete compression class. The evaluation of the results concluded in a National Technical Approval [1]. Further investigations were performed via FE analysis in ABAQUS. Further, 3D models with non-linear material and geometry were prepared and validation undertaken. In addition, a real application example of CoSFB is shown.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 8 (2015), Heft 3
Seite/n:     167-173
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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