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Blast resistance characteristics of concrete with different types of fibre reinforcement
This paper summarizes the results of the development of advanced fibre-reinforced concrete intended for explosion-resistant applications. Experimental research was carried out with the aim of contributing to understanding the effect of different types of reinforcement on the behaviour of high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete subjected to a blast load. The fine-grained concrete matrix was reinforced by various types of dispersed fibre - metallic, carbon, mineral and polymer - in different lengths (6-55 mm) and combinations, while the volume content (3 %) of fibres was kept constant. Physico-mechanical and explosion tests were performed on prismatic and slab-shaped specimens and the effect of different kinds of reinforcement on the blast resistance and mechanical performance of the concrete samples was evaluated. The accelerations of the specimens within the blast load were ascertained. The material characteristics and explosion test data obtained were used to create a finite element model in LS-DYNA. The numerical and experimental investigations resulted in the design of concrete elements for population protection which are able to resist an explosion defined by the weight and placement of the charge. The resistance of the newly designed concrete element was confirmed by a field blast test.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 16 (2015), Heft 4
Seite/n:     508-517
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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