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Vatteri, Ahsana Parammel; Rao, K. Balaji; Bharathan, Anoop M.
Time-variant reliability analysis of RC bridge girders subjected to corrosion - shear limit state
Chloride-induced corrosion of reinforced concrete (RC) bridge girders has led to a huge loss of national resources. One of the important concerns affecting RC bridge girders is corrosion of the stirrups, which can even cause the failure mechanism to change from a ductile flexural mode to a brittle shear mode. Hence, analysis of the reduction in shear capacity overtime is essential in the reliability assessment of bridge girders, which is the topic of the paper. This paper proposes a stochastic modelling approach for estimating the time-variant shear capacity and reliability within the framework of a Monte Carlo simulation, which assists in the sustainability-based service life design of bridge girders. Such modern design concepts require methodologies for estimating whole life cost at the design stage itself. The development of such methodologies would provide the designer with various options for arriving at an optimum design having the desired performance level during the service life. The proposed approach takes into account: 1) the randomness in basic variables, 2) the effect of micro-environments and the spatial variation of corrosion, 3) the number of stirrups resisting web shear failure, and 4) the ductile to brittle transition of stirrup steel as corrosion propagates. The incorporation of this transition is found to have a significant influence on the time-variant reliability of the girder. Although PFA concrete is known to have better durability characteristics than OPC concrete, this paper gives a framework for its quantification in terms of time-variant reliability.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 17 (2016), Heft 2
Seite/n:     162-174
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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