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Butenweg, Christoph; Marinkovi , Marko; Kubalski, Thomas; Klinkel, Sven
Masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames under horizontal loading / Stahlbetonrahmen mit Ausfachungen aus Mauerwerk unter horizontalen Belastungen
The behaviour of infilled reinforced concrete frames under horizontal load has been widely investigated, both experimentally and numerically. Since experimental tests represent large investments, numerical simulations offer an efficient approach for a more comprehensive analysis. When RC frames with masonry infill walls are subjected to horizontal loading, their behaviour is highly non-linear after a certain limit, which makes their analysis quite difficult. The non-linear behaviour results from the complex inelastic material properties of the concrete, infill wall and conditions at the wall-frame interface. In order to investigate this non-linear behaviour in detail, a finite element model using a micro modelling approach is developed, which is able to predict the complex non-linear behaviour resulting from the different materials and their interaction. Concrete and bricks are represented by a non-linear material model, while each reinforcement bar is represented as an individual part installed in the concrete part and behaving elasto-plastically. Each brick is modelled individually and connected taking into account the non-linearity of a brick mortar interface. The same approach is followed using two finite element software packages and the results are compared with the experimental results. The numerical models show a good agreement with the experiments in predicting the overall behaviour, but also very good matching for strength capacity and drift. The results emphasize the quality and the valuable contribution of the numerical models for use in parametric studies, which are needed for the derivation of design recommendations for infilled frame structures.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 20 (2016), Heft 4
Seite/n:     305-312
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch/Deutsch

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