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Qian, Chunxiang; Zhang, Yi; Huang, Haoliang; Qu, Jun; Guo, Jinqiang
Influences of superplasticizers on the basic and drying creep of concrete
The influences of naphthalene-based plasticizers and polycarboxylate acid/salt superplasticizers on the creep of concrete, including basic creep and drying creep, were investigated. The internal relative humidity and pore structure of concrete and the surface tension of the pore solution were tested. The results show that polycarboxylate acid/salt superplasticizers refine capillary pores in concrete and reduce the surface tension of the pore solution, and also restrain internal moisture transmission and redistribution. As a result, creep of the concrete is reduced. Compared with naphthalene-based plasticizer, polycarboxylate acid/salt superplasticizer causes a greater reduction of drying creep, but a smaller reduction of basic creep. This is because the moisture redistribution is quite feeble and quickly balanced in a sealed condition. Concrete with polycarboxylate acid/salt superplasticizer has the lowest creep value because polycarboxylate acid/salt superplasticizer improves the degree of hydration and reduces the porosity of macro pores.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 17 (2016), Heft 5
Seite/n:     729-735
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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