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Design recommendations for reinforced concrete interfaces based on statistical and probabilistic methods
A concrete interface is a material discontinuity that requires special care with respect to structural design and assessment. Therefore, the definition of design expressions based on experimental testing data must ensure the necessary reliability depending on the type of structure and its use. The present work describes a new proposal for the design of concrete interfaces subjected to shear loading for different roughness profile types. The proposal is characterized by three linear branches (for monotonic loading) and an S-N curve (for cyclic loading) and is the result of a parametric analysis of existing experimental data (obtained by the authors and also from an extensive literature search) based on statistical and probabilistic methods. Design expressions were defined in order to minimize the dispersion and variability of the safety factor values for each experimental test considered and also to assure that those values are within a target range (defined according to reliability considerations). These improvements became clearer when the new proposal was compared with the most common design code recommendations.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 17 (2016), Heft 5
Seite/n:     811-823
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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