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Wardenier, Jaap; de Vries, Peter; Timmerman, Gerrit
Evaluation of cracks in an offshore crane runway girder
This paper deals with the evaluation of fatigue cracks in a box type radial crane runway girder with full penetration welds between the web and flange. After 20 years of service fatigue cracks were observed which were initiated in the flange at the toe of the full penetration weld with the web. The observed cracks in the crane runway girder vary in length from a few mm to 330 mm with a summation of the lengths of all observed cracks being 750 mm, on a total length of 56000 mm, thus being only 1.3 %.
The investigation consists of the fatigue analysis described in this paper and additional experimental investigations with scale tests of approximately 1:2 on equivalent I sections with a concentrated load and with a line load to investigate whether cracks stop when they have grown through the residual tensile stress field. For this analyzed crane runway girder with multi-layered full penetration welds and with small cracks at the weld toes in the flange, based on EN 1993-6 the damage would be 1.0 for a design class 98 which is not far from the “class” 92 found by Kuhlmann et al, [1] for tests with rolling wheels, however, related to weld failures from the root of not fully penetrated fillet welds in combination with crack initiations at the weld toe.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 10 (2017), Heft 1
Seite/n:     67-71
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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