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Application of direct tension indicators in preloaded bolted connections
The direct tension indicator (DTI) method is specified in EN 1090-2 as one of the tightening procedures for preloading bolting assemblies to a specified level of preload. As Germany so far has no experience of using the DTI method, recent experimental and theoretical investigations were carried at the Institute for Metal and Lightweight Structures, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, with the main focus being the loadbearing behaviour of preloaded bolting assemblies with DTIs under external axial tensile loading. Whereas tension connections employing preloaded bolting assemblies are quite common in Germany, in the UK, for example, bolted connections are preferably designed as shear connections, as far as is known. As a result of the investigations presented below, it can be summarized that, under tensile loading especially, preloaded bolting assemblies with DTIs might suffer from a severe loss of preload - something that should be considered in preloaded bolted connections in which the preload is taken into account in the design of the connections, e.g. in slip-resistant connections, to activate the slip resistance, and in tension connections subjected to fatigue. Based on these investigations, recommendations have been formulated for preloaded bolting assemblies with DTIs under external axial tensile loading.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 10 (2017), Heft 2
Seite/n:     176-188
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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