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Skuk, Stefan; Schierl, Heimo
Brenner Base Tunnel: First results of the exploratory tunnels from a geological and geomechanical point of view - Case studies of four fault zones
The Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) is a straight, flat railway tunnel between Austria and Italy. It runs from Innsbruck to Fortezza (55 km), crossing the main Alpine crest with an overburden up to 1.7 km. Including the connection to the line around Innsbruck, which has already been built and which is the endpoint for the BBT, the total length of the tunnel will be about 64 km. Once finished, the BBT will be the longest underground rail link in the world. A peculiar feature of the BBT is the exploratory tunnel running from one end to the other. This tunnel lies between the two main tunnels and about 12 m below them and is noticeably smaller than the main tubes. So far, a total of 60 km of tunnels have already been excavated in Austria and Italy (access tunnels, exploratory tunnel, main tubes and chambers), driven both by blasting and by TBM. Crossing fault zones is a geological and geomechanical challenge, both for TBM and conventional excavation methods. The Periadriatic fault zone, with a total length of 1 km, has already been driven through. This first step of the project provides an interesting look at the comparison of the predicted rock mass conditions with those that were actually encountered, the rock mass behaviour in fault zones and investigation measures ahead of the tunnel face.
Erschienen in:     Geomechanics and Tunnelling 10 (2017), Heft 3
Seite/n:     275-290
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch/Deutsch

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