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Optimization of the test procedure for slip factor tests according to EN 1090-2
Slip-resistant connections are always used when slip and deformation in a bolted connection must be avoided at all costs, e.g. in radio masts and bridges. For some popular surface treatments, slip factors are given in EN 1090-2, the execution standard for steel structures. For those surface conditions not considered in EN 1090-2, the slip factor can be determined experimentally according to Annex G of EN 1090-2. By reviewing slip factor values obtained with the Annex G test procedure and reported in the literature, it becomes obvious that in most cases the slip factors achieved experimentally are not comparable for identical surface conditions. This is potentially caused by different interpretations of the Annex G slip test procedure. As the slip factor is one of the main parameters influencing the bearing capacity of slip-resistant connections, its determination should be on the safe side and not dependent on the various interpretation possibilities of the test procedure itself. For this reason, the optimization of the Annex G test procedure was thoroughly investigated in the European RFCS research project SIROCO, with the final objective being to enhance its reliability. The focus was on investigating the various test parameters such as type of preload measurement, ascertaining the possible slip planes, test speed, position of slip measurement, clamping length, preload level, evaluation of critical slip load and the performance of the extended creep test. The results achieved in these investigations have already been partly implemented in the revision of the current draft version of EN 1090-2.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 10 (2017), Heft 4
Seite/n:     267-281
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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