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Kolstein, Henk; Li, Jingbin; Koper, Axel; Gard, Wolfgang; Nijgh, Martin; Veljkovic, Milan
Behaviour of double shear connections with injection bolts
The RFCS project SIROCO (2014-17) included research on the further development and optimization of double shear connections with injection bolts to achieve slip- and creep-resistant bolted connections considering various influencing parameters. The type of resin, the curing condition of the resin, the geometrical and mechanical characteristics of the connection and the type of loading were studied. Results showed, for example, that of the five epoxy resins investigated, only RenGel SW404 + HY2404 (Araldite) fulfils the requirements given in Eurocode 3. A bearing stress of 175 MPa is safely allowable in the long-term without exceeding imposed deformation limits.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 10 (2017), Heft 4
Seite/n:     287-294
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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