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In the course of the revision of EN 1996-1-1, a new proposal has been made for the calculation of internal forces in frame-type structures for the determination of bending moments due to slab rotation. In addition to a stiffness reduction for masonry walls in conjunction with the special features of partially supported slabs, which is already usual in Germany, the calculated ever-present minimum loadbearing capacity of a wall is also increased due to a reduction of the maximum applied load eccentricity. Another major change is the direct implementation of wind loads in the method to determine the internal forces.
To ensure that these changes do not lead to a safety deficit or an uneconomic reduction of the loadbearing capacity compared with the current situation, the results of extensive comparative calculations are presented. In addition, it is examined whether the proposal could conflict with further investigations to extend the conditions for application of the simplified design procedures according to EN 1996-3. It is shown that the new draft provides similar results to the current method and that there are no concerns about its application. Also, the investigations to extend the conditions for application of the simplified calculation methods can be based on the new proposal without concerns.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 22 (2018), Heft 3
Seite/n:     139-150
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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