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Rohde, Matthias
Loads on and strengths of amusement rides
All over the world the amusement ride industry is growing steady and all manufactures deliver their products all over the world. This requires a harmonized philosophy of the standards. Today most of the rides are designed to the American Standards of ASTM (F2291-2017) or the European Standard EN 13814. The new revision of EN 13814 passed the formal vote of European members in April 2018. Both committees work close together and the new EN 13814 is in the most important parts harmonized with ASTM F2291.
This article covers the ongoing discussion of passenger weights, wind loads and partial safety factors. Portable rides especially, set up at various locations; need a clear guideline for the design for in-service and out-of-service winds. The study gives proposal wind assumptions, but is necessary to draft guidelines defining when the operator should stop the ride. In mountainous and coastal areas especially, the wind may build up faster than in urban agglomerations, and the ride must be stopped earlier.
Use of the fatigue calculation along with the Eurocode and ASTM philosophy with FKM is already common practice and is now defined as an applicable design basis in both standards.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 11 (2018), Heft 3
Seite/n:     232-239
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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