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Kieffer, Scott; Dreese, Trent; Weil, Jonas; Kleberger, Johannes
Tools for optimizing rock mass grouting
Optimization of rock grouting procedures during construction is necessitated when sparse data sets and incomplete geologic understanding form the basis of initial design. Relying on geologic investigation findings that often have limited budgets, initial designs typically consider data from only a small volume of the entire rock mass to be grouted. During construction, thousands of production boreholes may be drilled and grouted, and each of these boreholes has the potential to provide valuable information for modifying the injection materials and construction means/methods. Implementation of procedural changes is greatly facilitated by the ability to efficiently assemble, query, visualize and interpret vast amounts of 3D data in near real-time.
This contribution summarizes the main targets of rock mass characterization in the context of grouting works, along with investigative tools that provide valuable information: (1) regarding the distribution and properties of in situ permeability features; (2) for modifying and optimizing grouting procedures; and (3) for verifying grouting results in situ. Three dimensional modeling approaches that are amenable to data visualization are reviewed, including the workflow for near real-time model updating as construction proceeds.
Erschienen in:     Geomechanics and Tunnelling 12 (2019), Heft 2
Seite/n:     121-128
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch/Deutsch

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