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Pittino, Philipp; Hafellner, Hans
Analysis and refurbishment of damp cellar walls / Untersuchung und Sanierung eines feuchten Kellermauerwerks (Gutachten)
In the following expertise report, the existing condition of the cellar of a semi-detached house, which was built in a coupled construction, is analysed and considerations for a hygric refurbishment are discussed. First and foremost, it was necessary to find the cause of the damp present in the outside walls of the cellar of the building. In order to describe the current characteristics of the building, an inventory analysis was made of obvious building defects. This is summarised and described in the following report, which was the basis for all further proceeding. Building physics measurements and evaluations were carried out, building materials were examined for their physical properties and corresponding evaluations and analyses were carried out. Finally, all measurement results and findings were collected to provide a conclusive explanation for the existing defects to the building fabric of the building. This in turn was the foundation for all further measures to be taken in order to determine the necessary remediation concepts and changes to the interior design or the use of the rooms. The aim was to make the cellar space fully usable again and to be able to hand over a list of proposals for the necessary technical remediation measures to the client.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 23 (2019), Heft 4
Seite/n:     232-245
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch/Deutsch

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