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On the occasion of the Olympic sailing competitions in Kiel, the ZOB and the multi-storey car park above it were built in 1972.
The two-storey multi-storey car park, equipped for about 560 parking spaces, was originally connected to the railway station quay, the main railway station and the city centre by three pedestrian bridges. These bridges were demolished over the years. The new construction of the Atlantic Hotel in 2009 made it necessary to partially demolish the multi-storey car park and the ZOB. At the same time, preparations began for the redesign of the remaining ZOB site.
However, the original idea of renovating the building, which had been reduced in size by the construction of the new hotel, and additionally increasing it by two parking levels, was rejected.
The poor structural condition and the planning of a new attractive bus station ultimately required demolition.
In the new planning of the ZOB, two construction sites were defined. The design for the new multi-storey car park on construction site 2 took into account the specifications for the number of storeys, the spacing areas, the maximum eaves height and the materials used in the neighbouring buildings as an independent building.
The rounding of the facade at Stresemannplatz gives passers-by coming from the west a clearer view of the harbour. The spindle, which is raised above the 6th floor, serves as a recognizable point visible from afar.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 23 (2019), Heft 5
Seite/n:     316-323
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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