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Experimental determination of the load-bearing capacity of a reinforced perforated brick facade / Experimentelle Traglastermittlung einer teilweise bewehrten Lochfassade aus Ziegelmauerwerk
For a new multi-storey car park over the Central Bus Station (ZOB) in Kiel, a perforated clinker brick veneer facade not conforming to standards was planned. The design and technical characteristics of the facade have already been described in the article by Medzech and Schrade in this issue [1]. This article deals with the experimental investigations carried out to obtain a project-related one-off approval (ZiE). These experiments contain in particular large tests on storey-height wall sections, which were subjected to eccentric compressive loading and partly to horizontal loads representing wind action. Supplementary small tests on unreinforced and reinforced masonry served to determine the bending capacity, the anchoring capacity of the reinforcement and the load-bearing capacity of the wall anchors in the masonry. Due to the special facade construction with special bricks for the project, wall anchors, reinforcement bar couplers and unique test set-ups had to be developed for the specific project.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 23 (2019), Heft 5
Seite/n:     324-333
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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