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Carrigan, Svenja; Hartner, Marco; Hofmann, Markus; Kornadt, Oliver; Schoch, Torsten

Multipor WI is a mineral-based interior insulation system with excellent insulation properties. It is dimensionally stable, vapor permeable, and nonflammable. In this paper the investigation of the processability and functionality of Multipor WI WLF 042 as an exterior insulation system is reported. On the campus of Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, a building was constructed with a new exterior insulation system of Multipor WI WLF 042, of 14 cm thickness. This insulation, which has so far only been used in the building interior, has a heat conductivity of &lgr; = 0.042 W/(mK) and a density of &rgr; = 90 kg/m3. Its thermal expansion coefficient is &agr; = 10-5/K and its specific heat capacity is c = 0.85 kJ/(kgK). It has a lower density and compression strength than Multipor mineral insulation boards for exterior use do.
Temperature sensors were implemented in different layers of the building envelope, both in undisturbed areas and at thermal bridges. The building will be monitored for several years. First heat transfer simulations of two thermal bridges of the building demonstrate the excellent insulation properties of WI WLF 042. The investigation of the processability and functionality of Multipor WI WLF 042 as an exterior insulation system is presented. First simulations show the excellent insulation properties of the insulation. The building will be monitored for several years to provide data about the processability and functionality of Multipor WI WLF 042 as an exterior insulation system.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 23 (2019), Heft 6
Seite/n:     356-363
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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