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Compression behaviour of trapezoidal steel sheets with transverse corrugations
Nominated for the Bernt Johansson Outstanding Paper Awards at Nordic Steel 2019
Over the past few decades, the cold-formed steel industry has developed a manufacturing technique for producing self-supporting arches from trapezoidal steel sheets. The press-forming procedure is based on introducing transverse corrugations into the main direction of the flat profile in order to bend it. The main problem is that these indentations, which are essential to curve the profile, change the effective properties of the original steel sheet. Currently, there is no design code or standardized test procedure that can be used to obtain the effective properties of the corrugated profile. This research project analyses the behaviour of the corrugated profile when it is subjected to pure compression and compares it with the behaviour of the flat profile.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 12 (2019), Heft 3
Seite/n:     215-221
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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