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Sato, Atsushi; Koyama, Yohei; Idota, Hideki; Sato, Yuki; Yagi, Shigeharu; Takaki, Sunao; Kamada, Manabu
Experimental study of steel beam-to-column connections with bolted joints where the dissipative zone is the panel zone - Selected and extended contribution of SDSS 2019
It is well known that inelastic behaviour in the panel zone of beam-to-column connections can help to ensure a more stable structural performance, as the panel zone can absorb energy to prevent structural collapse. Although plastic deformation of up to only 30 % in the panel zone can contribute to improving performance according to Eurocode 8, in the Japanese code there is no limit when structural performance is verified. This paper describes full-scale testing of beam-to-column connections where the beam was connected to the column by a T-stub using high-strength bolts. In the test specimens, a shape similar to a T-stub was used for the continuity plate, and partial reinforcement at the panel was expected. The testing allowed the maximum strength and deformation capacity of the beam-to-column connection to be evaluated.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 13 (2020), Heft 1
Seite/n:     22-29
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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