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Pinger, Thomas
Nete Bridge in Lier - Long-term experience with galvanized bridge components
In Europe, hot-dip galvanizing has hitherto had no appreciable application in bridge construction, which, despite decades of positive practical experience in building construction, is partly due to a lack of knowledge and regulations regarding the influence of galvanizing on the fatigue behaviour. By contrast, diverse examples from non-European countries already confirm the technical and economic significance of galvanized bridge structures. Based on recent research and a guideline, the basics for wider application have been laid in the recent past. Nete Bridge in the Belgian city of Lier is one of the few road bridges with a fully galvanized steel support structure. The current state of the bridge, after more than 20 years in use, is described below - and a positive interim conclusion is drawn. Nete Bridge is in a good technical condition in terms of corrosion protection; no significant maintenance or repair measures have been required in this regard and are not expected in the future either. The example presented illustrates the feasibility of galvanizing bridge components as an alternative to the organic coating systems previously established. This also offers the bridge management authorities responsible economic benefits due to the very high durability and the associated very low maintenance costs.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 13 (2020), Heft 2
Seite/n:     114-119
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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