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Gschnitzer, Ernst; Wenger, Julian; Raine, Andy
Woodsmith project - Construction of a 37 km long mineral transport system for the world's largest Polyhalite resource
Rapidly increasing and urbanized world populations require the use of fertiliser for more efficient food production. Polyhalite provides this by sustainable and low carbon means. The world's largest known high-grade Polyhalite deposit is located under the North York Moors National Park in the north-east of England at a depth of about 1,550 m. In order to protect the national park, the mineral is processed outside the park on the coast near Wilton, Teesside. The mineral is transported there on a conveyor belt running in a 37 km long tunnel between the Woodsmith mine and the portal in Wilton. Strabag was awarded with the design and construction of the 37 km long tunnel, including the mineral transport system. The total contract value amounts to several hundred million Euros with a 100 % share for Strabag. The biggest challenges for this very long tunnel drive are especially the logistics. High safety standards and a tight time schedule, funding issues and contractual changes have resulted in additional challenges. Close cooperation with the Client's team on site has been key for achieving best results for the project.
Erschienen in:     Geomechanics and Tunnelling 13 (2020), Heft 6
Seite/n:     643-649
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch/Deutsch

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