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Cover Picture: Steel Construction 3/2021
As part of the AiF-FOSTA research project P1020 “Economical welded joints of high-strength steels”, extensive tests were carried out at the Institute of Steel and Timber Construction at the TU Dresden. Tested were lap joints, cruciform joints and butt joints of steels in grades S500 to S960. The picture shows the flat tensile test specimens made from butt joints with a thickness of 20 mm and a width of 35 mm in the weld area to be tested. Fully and partially penetrated butt welds were tested. In order to determine the strains in the course of the tests, strain measurements were carried out using photogrammetry in addition to inductive measurements. For this purpose, a stochastic pattern of graphite spray was applied to the test specimens and the high-frequency image recordings were digitally evaluated (s. article pp. 138-149. Foto: TU Dresden, Institute of Steel and Timber Construction).
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 14 (2021), Heft 3
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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