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Review of European design provisions for buckling of aluminium members with longitudinal welds - part 1
As part of the ongoing revision of the Eurocodes, design provisions in EN 1999-1-1 on the buckling of longitudinally welded aluminium compression members have been subjected to a critical review. Numerical investigations were conducted because a need for improvement was identified. This part 1 of the paper describes the individual steps of the revision and the modifications discussed, which include the introduction of longitudinally welded members. Before going into the numerical investigations in more detail, previous observations are presented regarding buckling classes and plateau lengths. In part 1 of the paper, explanations of the numerical investigations are limited to presenting the modelling of the geometry, the mechanical properties and the imperfections as well as their respective variation in the context of the parametric studies. The results of the numerical investigations and the proposed design approaches will be presented in detail in parts 2 and 3.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 14 (2021), Heft 4
Seite/n:     258-269
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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