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Gholipour, Masoumeh; Deylami, Ardeshir
Modified moment connection between I-beam and double-I built-up column
Double-I sections are widely used as columns in moment-resisting frames. The conventional welded moment connection between I-beam and double-I built-up column behaves in a partially restrained manner and does not provide the strength and ductility required in special moment frames. In this paper, a modification method is proposed to improve the behavioural characteristics of conventional moment connections. The modification involves replacing the continuous cover plate with two alternative plates having increased width and thickness at the location of the beam flange-plates. The behaviour of the proposed connection was investigated in detail both experimentally, by means of two full-scale specimens, and analytically, by means of eight finite element models. Based on the results obtained, in beams with a modified connection most of the plasticity develops remote from the column cover plate, and the panel zone remains in an elastic state. Accordingly, the deformation of the modified connection is reduced significantly and its stiffness is increased to the level required for a fully restrained connection. The hysteresis curves of the modified connection are also stable during large inelastic deformations with no substantial pinching. The modified connection provides the strength and ductility required in special moment frames.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 15 (2022), Heft 1
Seite/n:     55-67
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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