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New built and refurbished railway tunnels: Data delivery from BIM Models to OEBB's asset management
Digitalisation in the construction industry has been progressing continuously and bringing major changes for everyone involved in virtually all areas. Austrian Federal Railways ÖBB has been pushing BIM (Building Information Modelling) for the construction and rehabilitation of their infrastructure. By means of various pilot projects, the basics and the processes required for design and construction are developed and applied with a strong focus on system operation. For Granitztal tunnel and a total length of ≈6.1 km, the as-built design of the civil structures is done with an element-based, open BIM model. As part of the handover to the maintenance and operation division, the data of civil structures relevant for operation are derived from the BIM model, validated by means of automatic methods and transferred to the facility management system (AVS, Anlagen-Verzeichnis-System). In the absence of an IFC (Industry Foundation Class) structure tunnel, a semantic and spatial data structure is developed. Furthermore, the model will be enriched with components of railway equipment. On the other hand, there is the over-100-year-old Karawanks tunnel as part of the railway section between Villach and Jesenice. The line has been in operation since 1906 and includes the ≈8 km-long, single-tube Karawanks tunnel. The current situation of the tunnel including the superstructure and technical equipment no longer meets performance, safety and durability requirements and is being rehabilitated within an international cooperation project between Austria and Slovenia. The focus in this BIM project is set on the as-built design and merging data of the existing historic tunnel structure with information of new components implemented during refurbishment. A core task is the structured transfer of data contained in the BIM model to the facility/asset management system of ÖBB (AVS) and the Slovenian infrastructure operator. The case histories of Granitztal tunnel and Karawanks tunnel are used to describe the implementation of BIM, including the development of required data structures, validation mechanisms and data delivery to the asset management.
Erschienen in:     Geomechanics and Tunnelling 15 (2022), Heft 2
Seite/n:     190-200
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch/Deutsch

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