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Effects of state-of-the-art residual stress models on the member and local stability behaviour
Residual stresses have considerable effect on both the local and the member stability behaviour of steel structures. Previous studies have shown that the structural stability behaviour depends on both the distribution and the amplitude of the residual stresses. The residual stress distribution is affected by the cross-section geometry, the steel grade and the manufacturing process, e.g. flame cutting and the welding procedure. A realistic consideration of residual stresses is necessary for an efficient and safe design of steel structures.
This article presents an experimental and numerical study on the influence of residual stresses on the stability behaviour of structural members, i.e. steel columns and beams considering a variety of cross-sectional slenderness, i.e. plastic, compact and slender cross-sections are taken into account. A novel residual stress model for welded I-shaped sections was developed and evaluated using test data. This model takes into account the main influencing parameters, i.e. the cross-sections geometry, the steel grade as well as manufacturing process with thermal cuts or non-thermal cuts of the steel plates. The novel residual stress model is then used to investigate the stability behaviour in terms of a numerical simulation study. The result of the study allows to propose an improvement of the buckling curve selection for welded high strength steel columns and beams.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 15 (2022), Heft 4
Seite/n:     244-254
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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