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Don, Rafaela; Balaskas, Georgios; Vulcu, Cristian; Hoffmeister, Benno
Steel and composite joints with dissipative connections for MRFs in moderate seismicity - Experimental and numerical programs
Owing to the new rules of the German National Annex to EN 1998-1, the relevance of the seismic action has increased, materialising in extended seismic areas and higher spectral accelerations. This may lead to seismic loading being decisive on the design of steel and composite frames. However, the demand is lower in Germany than in other seismic areas. Consequently, these challenges are addressed in an ongoing German national research project, by developing joints with dissipative connections, classified as semi-rigid and partial-strength, for steel and composite frames that could allow for the use of behaviour factors in the range of 1.5 to 3. The development started with typical connections from the German catalogue, designed to withstand static loads in the elastic range, followed by performance and detailing improvements. Developments (e.g., increase in sagging/hogging bending: 125 %/18 % of steel joints and 70 %/40 % of partially composite joints) resulted from pre-test finite element analyses (FEA) on joints and frame models. Improvements to joint detailing were made according to the provisions of the newest draft of Eurocode 8. The optimised joints were integrated in frame specimens, which are currently being tested under monotonic and cyclic loads at RWTH-Aachen University. This article introduces the developed joint solutions, describes the experimental and numerical programs and presents the monotonic response of frame specimens based on the results of FEA, as well as the main conclusions.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 16 (2023), Heft 1
Seite/n:     31-43
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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