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Ueda, Tamon
International code harmonization: the role of the Asian Concrete Model Code
Many national codes in Asia are heavily influenced by those from either Europe or the USA. The climatic, technological and economic conditions together with the material properties in Asia are, however, quite different from those in Europe and the USA, and even different among Asian countries. Thus, many Asian countries need their own national codes with suitable concepts and technologies. At the same time, many construction projects in Asia are carried out in multi-national environments in which various national codes are applied, meaning that international code harmonization is necessary. In order to work for the global issue, such as the construction of a sustainable world, Asia, as the largest economic zone in the 21st century, should take on a leading role. For this purpose, international code harmonization with the new direction of life cycle management (LCM) would provide an efficient way.
The International Committee on Concrete Model Code for Asia (ICCMC) was established in 1994 as the first international body in Asia. The ICCMC issued the Asian Concrete Model Code (ACMC) in 2001, the first international structural code in Asia. The ACMC is an umbrella code with a performance-based concept and a multi-level document structure, which makes it suitable for the considerable diversity in Asia. It is also the first international code covering maintenance and repair, which makes the ACMC ready to adopt the LCM concept. The ACMC has been a model for various national codes. The main features of the ACMC, i.e. the performance-based concept, durability design concept, seismic design concept and the inclusion of maintenance/repair, are shared with JSCE Standard Specifications in Japan. The ICCMC has been working together with ISO/TC71 towards international code harmonization.
Source:     Structural Concrete 12 (2011), No. 1
Page/s:     47-54
Language of Publication:     English

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