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Della Corte, Gaetano; D'Aniello, Mario; Landolfo, Raffaele; Mazzolani, Federico M.
Review of steel buckling-restrained braces
Buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) are a relatively recent development in the field of seismic-resistant steel structures. Their distinctive feature is the non-buckling behaviour typically achieved by encasing a steel core in a concrete-filled tube, but alternatives have been proposed. Restraining the brace from buckling enhances ductility significantly and allows a symmetric response under tension or compression forces. The design of BRB frames must consider a number of specific issues that are currently not covered by European standards and regulations. This paper presents a brief summary of the most recent research results and attempts to summarize the basic design issues as they emerge from both research and the codification rules of non-European Countries. Conclusions are drawn regarding future research required to address the development of design rules in Europe, too.
Source:     Steel Construction 4 (2011), No. 2
Page/s:     85-93
Language of Publication:     English

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