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Design and implementation of a monitoring system applied to a long-span prestressed concrete bridge
Currently, long-term monitoring systems are mandatory for major civil engineering structures such as bridges, tunnels and dams. Generally, they monitor a set of physical, chemical and mechanical parameters in critical sections of the structure by incorporating appropriate sensors. The set of data collected demonstrates great potential in the prevention of damage and contributes to more efficient maintenance of the structures monitored. This work presents the long-term monitoring system installed on the new Lezíria Bridge over the River Tagus in Portugal. The system was developed to control some aspects of the construction process and to survey the service life of the structure. A set of structural, durability and environmental parameters defining the bridge condition are remotely assessed in real-time via a fibreoptic network. Aspects such as architecture, installation and functionality of the monitoring system are discussed and the innovative aspects of the implementation are highlighted. In this context, the main goal of this work is to present the long-term monitoring system of Lezíria Bridge, sharing the experiences, the solutions and the procedures adopted, given their potential usefulness in the implementation of similar projects.
Source:     Structural Concrete 12 (2011), No. 2
Page/s:     82-93
Language of Publication:     English

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