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Sangiorgio, Filippo; Silfwerbrand, Johan; Mancini, Giuseppe
Scatter in the shear capacity of slender RC members without web reinforcement: an overview study
All researchers who have tested the shear capacity of RC members without stirrups have observed a large scatter in the results.
The objective of this paper is to conduct an overview study of the causes of the great shear failure scatter of RC beams without stirrups. Thirteen groups of shear tests on comparable experiments, extracted from the ACI-DAfStb evaluation database, are considered. The amount of data available is increased numerically. To this end, based on Eurocode 2 equations for shear resistance and shrinkage strain, a full probabilistic model is defined according to the JCSS Probabilistic Model Code. A multivariate statistical evaluation of outcomes is then performed.
The investigation highlights the fact that both the tensile strength of concrete and high shrinkage values may be usefully considered for more in-depth studies of the phenomenon, whereas geometrical properties and concrete compressive strength seem to be less important or can even be neglected.
Source:     Structural Concrete 17 (2016), No. 1
Page/s:     11-20
Language of Publication:     English

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