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von Greve-Dierfeld, Stefanie; Gehlen, Christoph
Performance-based durability design, carbonation, part 3: PSF approach and a proposal for the revision of deemed-to-satisfy rules
A performance-based safety factor durability design format is proposed and developed with respect to carbonation of concrete. Deemed-to-satisfy rules based on a partial safety factor design approach are developed for the carbonation of concrete. This design format follows the design procedure proposed in EN 1990 [1]. For the design format, the limit state equation for the carbonation is introduced in its probabilistic and safety factor format. The PSF approach has been used to derive design charts. Values for minimum concrete cover depending on material resistance and exposure class are proposed for critical environmental conditions and a design service life of 50 years.
Source:     Structural Concrete 17 (2016), No. 5
Page/s:     718-728
Language of Publication:     English

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