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Rumplmayr, Simon; Thienel, Karl-Christian; Eden, Wolfgang; Burtscher, Wolfgang

Calcium silicate masonry is characterized by a high loadbearing capacity. Despite the widespread use of calcium silicate masonry units as a building material in Germany, there have been no studies to specifically improve its resistance to bullet impact, which would result in a new, very specialized market segment for threatened infrastructure. Within the scope of a research project, fundamental knowledge was gained about the influence of manufacturing parameters on the impact resistance of calcium silicate masonry units. The investigations showed that both the type and proportion of coarse aggregate and the forming pressure play a decisive role. Based on these findings, calcium silicate masonry units can now be specifically optimized with regard to high impact resistance.
Source:     Mauerwerk 22 (2018), No. 6
Page/s:     342-348
Language of Publication:     German

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