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Stability design of cable-stayed columns - Existing methods and future perspectives
Selected, extended paper from the SDSS 2019 special session ECCS/TC8 - Structural Stability
Cable-stayed columns offer several advantages among traditional solutions. Owing to the additional restraint given by the prestressed cables and cross-arms, they can provide enhanced buckling resistance in comparison to conventional columns. They are also aesthetically appealing, combining a strong architectural effect with a top-notch engineering solution. This paper presents a design approach for the stability design of prestressed cable-stayed columns. This method is based on the well-known Ayrton-Perry format, combining first- and second-order effects. The imperfection factors were calibrated on the basis of experimental results. This method is consistent with design rules for uniform columns in Eurocode 3 and is easy to apply.
Source:     Steel Construction 12 (2019), No. 4
Page/s:     309-317
Language of Publication:     English

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