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Bauen mit Betonfertigteilen im Hochbau

Bachmann, Hubert / Steinle, Alfred / Hahn, Volker

Bauen mit Betonfertigteilen im Hochbau

2., updated Edition - January 2010
  • X, 260 pages
  • 263 figures
  • 21 tables
  • Softcover
  • German
ISBN: 978-3-433-01850-7
out of print


The book covers the entire field of building with prefabricated concrete elements. It identifies cost-effective solutions resulting from prefabrication in a works. A practical aid for the work of structural engineers, architects and students.

About the author

Doctor of Engineering Hubert Bachmann is Head of the Department of Construction Engineering in the Technical Section of the Ed. Züblin Company in Stuttgart, Germany.

Since the beginning of the 1950s, Professor Doctor of Engineering Volker Hahn has had a decisive influence on the development of prefabricated construction as a whole: the Züblin 6M system of skeleton construction has become the most widely used system for prefabricated parts in multi-storey construction today. The construction of the headquarters of the company, the well-known 'Züblin Haus' in Stuttgart, was his last active project. Upon its completion, he retired from the Züblin board of directors.

Doctor of Engineering Alfred Steinle had a decisive role in many of Züblin's precast section construction projects, such as schools and universities. He also played a prominent part in the construction of the automated concrete precast section works.