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20. until23. September - Hybrid / Berlin

sbe22 berlin - Sustainable Built Environment D-A-CH Conference

The sbe22 berlin will be hosted by the Institute of Architecture of TU Berlin which will provide a design-oriented, architectural and urban planning entry point to a broad, inter- and transdisciplinary debate on the following themes:
• resource management and material flows
• climate neutral buildings
• post-fossil infrastructures
• critical digitalisation and
• socio-political frames for transitions.

These themes represent key solution areas to address sustainability challenges within the planning and building sectors. The conference „Built Environment within Planetary Boundaries“ is to bring together and network the diverse communities of researchers, practitioners and decision makers to critically discuss cutting edge research as well as innovative policies and practice based on the planetary boundaries model. The conference will address different scales, disciplines and approaches ranging from material and product development, building design, structural engineering, urban and regional planning to innovative manufacturing processes and the design of circular value chains.

The sbe22 berlin D-A-CH conference is a collaborative project together with KIT Karsruhe, TU Graz and ETH Zürich.

The conference will take place in Berlin at the center of the rapidly expanding metropolitan region of Berlin-Brandenburg, supplying a multitude of topics from the German-speaking region and the surrounding EU states. These will be discussed alongside complimentary themes from the countries of the global south, where sustainability discourse is confronted with rapid urbanisation processes and population growth. A special focus should be placed on a global understanding of the planetary boundaries, which necessarily puts European trends in sustainable planning in connection with the economic contexts but also the effects of climate change on countries in the Global South. sbe22 berlin is to bring together and network the diverse communities of researchers, practitioners, decision makers and civil society to critically discuss cutting edge research as well as innovative policies and practice, based on the planetary boundaries model.

The conference will address different scales, disciplines and approaches, ranging from product development and manufacturing, building design, and civil engineering to urban and regional planning. As part of the current 2021 – 2023 cycle of the international SBE conference series, sbe22 berlin will invite a scientific exchange around strategies that will allow our built environment to exist and thrive within the limits of the planetary boundaries model. The results will feed into the preparation of the World Conference in Montréal to close the current SBE cycle in 2023. 20-23.

sbe22 berlin will take place from 20 September to 23 September in Berlin. The first day is a pre-conference day, where participants can take part in various workshops related to selected pilot projects. This is to to make the topics of the conference tangible by means of concrete best-practice examples and stimulate dialogue. The opening day will be followed by two conference days, most of which will take place in the TU Berlin main building as well as at selected inner-city locations. The conference will take place as a hybrid event. A fourth day is optional and will be used to visit various locations and projects in Berlin and surrounding Brandenburg region.

  • Workshops Day 1 -20 September 2022
  • Conference TU Berlin Day 2 -21 September 2022
  • Conference TU Berlin Day 3 -22 September 2022
  • Technical Tours and Excursions Day 4 -23 September 2022


for general inquiries - team@sbe22.berlin
for contributions and review process - contributions@sbe22.berlin
Natural Building Lab constructive design and climate adaptive architecture
TU Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin