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Erler, MaikTextile reinforcement in the bed joint of basement masonry / Textile Bewehrung in der Lagerfuge von Kellermauerwerk - First findings from a current research project / Erste Erkenntnisse zum aktuell laufenden ForschungsprojektMauerwerk1/201815-25Fachthemen


The successful structural verification of basement walls under earth pressure loading with light imposed loading is often difficult. This situation is often encountered for external basement walls under terrace doors, stairs, masonry light wells etc., where the theoretically necessary imposed loading is missing. This makes it impossible to resist the acting bending forces from earth pressure using a vertical arch model. In such cases, the earth pressure has to be resisted in a horizontal direction. Since however the bending moment capacity of unreinforced masonry parallel to the bed joint is low, another possibility is to use a textile-reinforced bed joint with longitudinal fibres of alkali-resistant glass or carbon fibre. With an appropriately adapted textile reinforcement in the bed joints, the masonry can fulfil the requirements for load-bearing capacity against earth pressure with horizontal load transfer, even under a small imposed load. Textile reinforcement has the advantage above all of corrosion resistance compared to conventional steel reinforcement, and textiles can also be inserted into thin bed joints. The Chair of Structural Design in the Faculty of Architecture of the TU Dresden is currently carrying out extensive numerical and experimental studies for this purpose. The objective is to develop an optimal configuration of material and textile form for use as bed joint reinforcement. The investigations are concentrating on the tension strength, bonding and durability of the composite material “textile mortar”. This report should give a brief overview of the state of the work in the currently running research project.

Erler, Maik; Jäger, WolframTextile reinforcement in the bed joint of basement masonry and infill walls subjected to high wind loads / Textile Bewehrung in der Lagerfuge von Kellermauerwerk und windbelasteten AusfachungswändenMauerwerk1/201916-31Fachthemen


The successful structural verification of basement walls under earth pressure loading with light vertical loading is often difficult. This situation is often encountered for external basement walls under terrace doors, stairs, masonry light wells, etc., where the vertical loading that is theoretically necessary is absent. This makes it impossible to resist the acting flexural forces from earth using a vertical arch model alone. In such cases the basement wall must also resist the earth pressure in a horizontal direction. However, due to the fact the bending moment capacity of unreinforced masonry parallel to the bed joint is low you have the option here of using a textile-reinforced bed joint with longitudinal fibres of alkali-resistant glass or carbon fibre. With an appropriately adapted textile reinforcement in the bed joints, the masonry can fulfil the requirements for load-bearing capacity against earth pressure with a horizontal load transfer, even under a small vertical load. The same applies to infill walls subjected to high wind loads the bending moment capacities of which are also slightly parallel to and vertically to the bed joint and cannot be provably demonstrated on large infill surfaces and strong wind loads. The load-bearing can also be increased by improving the flexural strength parallel to the bed joint. The Chair of Structural Design in the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University (TU) Dresden was carrying out extensive numerical and experimental studies for this purpose. In the journal Mauerwerk 01/2018 [1] first findings from small trial series have already been presented. In the meantime, a series of large-scale tests have additionally been performed to check the promising results of the small-scale tests with respect to their real applicability. This report should provide a combined insight into the work of the concluded research project.

Textile Roofs 2004Bautechnik5/2004394Termine


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Bäckmann, R.Textile Überdachungen für Kinderspielplätze.Bautechnik6/1983212-215


Anforderungen für Überdachungen von Kinderspielplätzen und insbesondere die Eignung von textilen Werkstoffen für diese Anwendung.

Textilien statt Stahl: Neuer BetonwerkstoffBautechnik11/2012785Aus den Hochschulen


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TGA-Fachverbände: Positive Bewertung der neuen EU-RichtlinieBauphysik3/2018165Aktuell


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TGV Station Liege-GuilleminsSteel Construction1/201033News


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TGV-Bahnhof in ParisBeton- und Stahlbetonbau2/2002114Information


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Scheuch, G.TGV-Brücke VentabrenBautechnik10/1998834-835Berichte


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Scheuch, G.TGV-Brücken MondragonBautechnik2/2000144-146Berichte


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Galler, RobertThat was the Austrian Tunnel Day 2014! / Das war der Österreichische Tunneltag 2014!Geomechanics and Tunnelling6/2014730-733Conference report


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Berenbak, J.The "British Airways London Eye" the greatest observation wheel in the world (Das "British Airways London Eye" - der Welt größtes Riesenrad)Stahlbau4/2002278-284Fachthemen


Seit Beginn dieses Jahrhunderts gewährt dem Besucher ein Riesenrad von 135 m Höhe weite Blicke über die Themse und die City von London. Die Felge des Riesenrades besteht aus einem Dreigurtfachwerk, an dem 32 Gondeln befestigt sind. Vorgespannte Kabel halten die Felge gegenüber der zentralen Spindel in Position. Die gesamte Konstruktion wird duch einen Zweibock abgestützt und schwebt über dem Queen's Walk. Das Bauwerk repräsentiert eine der spektakulärsten Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet des Bauens mit Hohlprofilen aus Stahl. Der Totalentwurf und die Lieferung sind in etwa 16 Monaten realisiert worden.

Misiek, Thomas; Huck, Gerhard; Käpplein, SaskiaThe "combined approach" for the design of shear diaphragms made of trapezoidal profile sheetingSteel Construction1/201816-23Articles


Dedicated to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Saal on the occasion of his 75th birthday
Diaphragms made of trapezoidal profile sheeting are often used to stabilize members or work as bracing to transfer horizontal loads (wind or seismic loads) to the ground. In Europe there are currently two approaches for the design of these shear diaphragms, both often denoted by the names of their corresponding developers: Schardt and Strehl and Bryan and Davies. Although the mechanical background to calculating the diaphragm stiffness is more or less identical in both approaches, there are differences in the level of detailing, i.e. in the number of parameters regarded as significant for practical design. Generally, the Schardt/Strehl approach was reworked much more and is therefore easier to use in practical design. On the other hand, the Bryan/Davies approach is much more realistic regarding the failure modes (shear buckling, failure of fasteners) and loadbearing capacity. This paper discusses the differences and similarities in detail, makes an assessment and highlights the particular advantages.
Recently, a new approach was elaborated based on work previously carried out by Baehre and Wolfram and taking into account new developments and findings. This “combined approach” presented here combines the advantages of the Schardt/Strehl and Bryan/Davies approaches as given above. The paper includes a comparison with test results with regard to both diaphragm stiffness and loadbearing capacity.
Detailed information is given on how to elaborate the sheeting-related parameters in tables, allowing for easy use in practical design. This is of special importance for implementation in practical design and in relation to the further development of the Eurocodes.

Bijlaard, F.; Feldmann, M.; Naumes, J.; Sedlacek, G.The "general method" for assessing the out-of-plane stability of structural members and frames and the comparison with alternative rules in EN 1993  -  Eurocode 3  -  Part 1-1Steel Construction1/201019-33Article


The key to harmonizing the rules for the assessment of in-plane and out-of-plane stability of structural steel members is a common definition of equivalent geometric imperfections. The nature of these is given by the elastic-critical buckling mode and their amplitudes are obtained from the evaluation of test results for member resistance according to EN 1990  -  Annex D  -  Basis of structural design.
EN 1993  -  Part 1-1  -  Design of steel structures  -  contains a set of alternative rules for stability checks. Of these, the “general method” could potentially function as a consistent and reliable set of rules for assessing both flexural and lateral-torsional buckling for any loading and support conditions, and also cover the case of combined compression, biaxial bending and torsion. This report describes the basis of the “general method” and its extension to the treatment of any stability problems in bar structures.
The reliability of the method is verified by test evaluations. This means it can be used as reference method for checking the accuracy of the other alternative stability rules in EN 1993-1-1. A comparison shows that the other alternative rules meet the requirements on the whole, with deviations of about ±10 %, which define their modelling uncertainty.

Grossauer, Karl; Modetta, Flavio; Tanner, UrsThe "Standard Tunnel Construction Method" of Rhaetian Railways / Die "Normalbauweise Tunnel" der Rhätischen BahnGeomechanics and Tunnelling5/2017542-550Topics


The Rhaetian Railways AG (RhB) operates an approximately 384 km long rail network, predominantly in the Canton of Graubünden (CH). With much of this rail network being situated in Alpine terrain, extensive engineering infrastructure is used; approx. 20 % of the entire rail system consists of such structures. The majority of these engineering structures are the 115 tunnels with a combined length of 58.7 km, constructed between 1901 and 1914. Due to the age of the tunnels, more than half of the 115 tunnels require renovation. The RhB has estimated that approximately 75 of these tunnel structures (with a combined length of approx. 26 km) will require extensive repair within the next 50 years. Thus a new standardized rehabilitation strategy was developed under the name “Standard Tunnel Construction Method” to ensure that the existing rail tunnels satisfy current tunnel design standards [1]. The primary goal of the “Standard Tunnel Construction Method” is to ensure that renovation costs are consistently lower compared to previous renovations by following a standardized workflow process. The primary challenges associated with such renovations are concerned with determining the extent of repair required for the tunnel as well as creating a feasible concept, which allows for the tunnel to be repaired while still remaining operational. Using the “Standard Tunnel Construction Method”, it is possible to optimize the tunnel rehabilitation strategy while maximizing quality and minimizing monetary costs.
Die Rhätische Bahn AG betreibt überwiegend im Kanton Graubünden (CH) ein ca. 384 km langes Bahnnetz. Aufgrund der örtlichen Gegebenheiten im Alpenraum beträgt der Anteil an Kunstbauten ca. 20 % der gesamten Bahnstrecke. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Kunstbauten bilden die 115 Bahntunnel, die in den Jahren 1901 bis 1914 erbaut wurden und eine Gesamtlänge von ca. 58,7 km aufweisen. Mehr als die Hälfte der 115 Bahntunnel müssen aufgrund ihres Alters saniert werden. Die Rhätische Bahn geht davon aus, dass in den nächsten 50 Jahren ca. 75 Tunnelbauwerke mit einer Gesamtlänge von ca. 26 km instand gesetzt werden müssen. Daher wurde ein neues, standardisiertes Instandsetzungsverfahren mit der Bezeichnung “Normalbauweise Tunnel” entwickelt, das die Anforderungen an den modernen Eisenbahnbetrieb erfüllen soll [1]. Das Hauptziel der “Normalbauweise Tunnel” sind geringere Sanierungskosten als bei bisherigen Verfahren. Die Schwierigkeit bei der Entwicklung von Sanierungsmaßnahmen bei bestehenden Bahntunneln liegt in der Festlegung der Instandsetzungstiefe sowie deren konzeptionelle Durchführbarkeit unter Betrieb. Mit der neu entwickelten “Normalbauweise Tunnel” können die Wirtschaftlichkeit und die Qualität bei der Instandsetzung von Tunnelprojekten optimiert werden.

The 12th European Conference on Earthquake EngineeringBautechnik1/200171Termine


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Gosowski, Bronislaw; Ziólko, JerzyThe 12th International Conference on Metal Structures - Wroclaw 2011Steel Construction4/2011269-271Report


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Walraven, Joost C.; Bigaj-van Vliet, AgnieszkaThe 2010 fib Model Code for Structural Concrete: a new approach to structural engineeringStructural Concrete3/2011139-147Articles


The fib Model Code is a recommendation for the design of reinforced and prestressed concrete which is intended to be a guiding document for future codes. Model Codes have been published before, in 1978 and 1990. The draft for fib Model Code 2010 was published in May 2010. The most important new element in this Model Code is “Time” in the sense of service life. Additionally, the Model Code contains an extended state-of-theart chapter on the structural materials concrete and steel but regards non-metallic reinforcement and fibres as reinforcement as well. Many loading conditions are considered, ranging from static loading to non-static loading, considering earthquake, fatigue and impact/explosion. Five methods are offered to verify structural safety. Attention is given to verification of limit states associated with durability, robustness and sustainability. Finally, verification assisted by numerical methods and by testing is considered. Other elements that are links in the chain of life cycle design are construction and conservation. In the part on conservation the conservation strategy is treated in combination with conservation management, condition survey and assessment, and evaluation and decision-making.

Thuro, Kurosch; Bundschuh, MoritzThe 2010 rockfall event in Stein an der Traun - causes and triggers / Das Felssturzereignis in Stein an der Traun 2010 - Ursachen und AuslöserGeomechanics and Tunnelling4/2012329-338Topics


On January 25th 2010 at about 8 p.m. a block of 432 m3 volume and 1, 026 t weight was released from a conglomerate face, apparently without warning, destroying a family home in the village of Stein on the river Traun. Only two of the four inhabitants could be saved out of the debris. After this event, the question arose whether the rockfall could have been foreseen or if such spontaneous incidents are abrupt and unpredictable. This paper presents the studies conducted to reconstruct the processes leading to the event. The investigations included field mapping, geodetic survey, laser scanning and stereographic photogrammetry of the rupture face, mineralogical analysis of sinter crust thin sections, inventory of the block dimensions and reconstruction of the collapse kinematics, analysis of the weather data prior to the event and a 2D finite element calculation (Phase2) using the geometry of the overhanging conglomerate strata.
Am 25. Januar 2010 löste sich aus einer Nagelfluh-Felswand in der Ortschaft Stein an der Traun scheinbar ohne Vorwarnung um etwa 20 Uhr ein 432 m3 großer und 1.026 t schwerer Felsblock und zerstörte dabei ein Wohnhaus. Lediglich zwei der vier Bewohner konnten aus den Felssturzmassen gerettet werden. Nach diesem Ereignis stellte sich die Frage, ob der Felssturz hätte vorhergesehen werden können oder ob Felssturzereignisse dieser Art unvermittelt auftreten und unvorhersehbar sind. In diesem Beitrag werden die durchgeführten Untersuchungen vorgestellt, mit welchen die Prozesse geklärt wurden, die zu diesem Felssturz geführt haben. Diese Untersuchungen umfassten eine ingenieurgeologische Kartierung, eine umfangreiche geodätische Vermessung, ein Laserscanning und die stereographisch-photogrammetrische Aufnahme der Abrisswand, mineralogische Untersuchungen an Dünnschliffen von Sinterkrusten, die Ermittlung von Masse und Kubatur der Sturzblöcke, die Rekonstruktion des Sturzmechanismus, die Analyse der Wetterdaten im Vorfeld des Sturzereignisses sowie eine 2D Finite Elemente Modellierung (mit Phase2) bei der die Geometrie der überhängenden Konglomeratwand berücksichtigt wurde.

Plinninger, Ralf J.; Smettan, Klaus; Kresse, JohnThe 2010 rockfall event in Stein an der Traun - installation of monitoring and early-warning systems / Das Felssturzereignis von Stein an der Traun - Einrichtung von Monitoring- und Frühwarn-SystemenGeomechanics and Tunnelling4/2012339-346Topics


The heritage-protected ensemble of Castle Brewery, boarding school and medieval Cave Castle forms the centre of Stein a.d. Traun, Traunstein County, Bavaria/Germany. In large parts of the area, the buildings nestle to or are built directly into a vertical or even overhanging rock slope up to 50 m high, formed of Quaternary conglomerates. Potential rock or block falls as well as larger scale instabilities in this slope represent hazards to the infrastructure below it, as was dramatically shown by the tragic event in January 2010. In order to monitor changes in the rock mass, geotechnical monitoring and early-warning systems were installed in two areas in 2011. This article describes the specific structural and geomechanical situation of the two investigation areas and presents the monitoring concept and the first measured data.
Das denkmalgeschützte Ensemble von Schlossbrauerei, traditionsreichem Internat und mittelalterlicher Felsenburg bildet den Ortskern von Stein an der Traun, Landkreis Traunstein, Bayern. Die Gebäude schmiegen sich dabei in weiten Bereichen direkt an eine bis zu rund 50 m hohe, senkrechte bis überhängende Nagelfluhwand an bzw. sind in diese hineingebaut. Das Risiko von Stein- oder Blockschlägen sowie ggf. auch größeren Felsstürzen aus der Felswand stellt eine Gefährdung der darunterliegenden Infrastruktur dar, deren potenzielle Auswirkungen das tragische Ereignis vom Januar 2010 vor Augen geführt hat. Zur Überwachung von Veränderungen wurden 2011 geotechnische Monitoring- und Frühwarnsysteme in zwei Teilbereichen eingerichtet. Der Beitrag beschreibt die spezifische bauliche und geomechanische Situation und stellt Auslegung und erste Messergebnisse des installierten Systems vor.

The 6th International Colloquium Stability & Ductility of Steel StructuresStahlbau7/1999604Termine


No short description available.

The 9th International Conference on BRIDGES IN DANUBE BASINStahlbau3/2016194Aktuell


No short description available.

Sempelmann, Franz; Matt, Kajetan; Konrad, FrankThe A26 Linz Motorway - A new landmark for Linz / Die A26 Linzer Autobahn - Ein neues Wahrzeichen für LinzGeomechanics and Tunnelling5/2021459-467Topics


The A26 not only relieves the central part of the road network in Linz but also allows the river Danube to be crossed by means of a 300 m long bridge, anchored in the rock slopes which form the banks of the Danube.The elements of the 1st phase are the Danube bridge and two underground motorway junctions, Danube North and South, with excavation cross-sections of up to 375 m2 and the tight radii of the motorway on-ramps. In addition to the elevated location of the main portals, the river Danube, the infrastructure facilities and the built-up area take space in the valley cause unfavourable conditions. Besides these conditions, urban planning requirements have an effect on the realization of the construction project. The excavated material from the tunnel is transported off-site by ship. The project conditions such as the high number of portals, the noise-reflecting effect of the “Danube gorge” and the low overburden require substantial measures to limit and monitor the immissions.
Die A26 ermöglicht, neben Entlastung des Kernbereichs des Straßennetzes der Stadt Linz, auch die Querung der Donau über eine 300 m lange Hängebrücke, verankert in den Felshängen der Donau. Kennzeichnend für die Etappe 1 sind neben der Donaubrücke die beiden unterirdischen Autobahnanschlüsse AST Donau Nord und Süd mit Ausbruchquerschnitten bis zu 375 m2 und die engen Radien der Anschlussrampen. Zudem sind die Hochlage der Hauptportale und der durch Donau, Infrastruktur und Bebauung bereits stark genutzte Talraum ungünstige Randbedingungen. Neben diesen Planungsrandbedingungen ist die bauliche Umsetzung durch städtebauliche Randbedingungen geprägt und der Abtransport des Tunnelausbruchs erfolgt per Schiff über eine eigens errichtete Schiffsverladestelle. So erfolgt der Abtransport des Tunnelausbruchs per Schiff über eine eigens errichtete Schiffsverladestelle. Die projektspezifischen Randbedingungen wie die hohe Anzahl an Portalen, die reflektierende Wirkung der “Donauschlucht” und die geringe Überlagerung erfordern erhebliche Maßnahmen zur Einschränkung der Immissionen sowie deren Überwachung.

Giulia, ChemolliThe affirmation of vaults in concrete and reinforced concrete for bridges and floors in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Gewölbe-Ausschuss's tests 1890-1892Beton- und Stahlbetonbau12/2017824-833Berichte


In the second half of the 19th Century, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, concrete, reinforced or not, had difficulties affirming itself against traditional techniques. The scarcity of information and the lack of a complete theory were an obstacle, especially in the case of vaults. In response to this situation, in 1890, inside the Österreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein, a Committee, the Gewölbe-Ausschuss, was formed to organize systematic series of loading tests on arches of various dimensions and different materials for bridges and on little vaults for floors: among them, the MONIER system and concrete gave excellent results.

Die Verbreitung von Gewölbebauten aus Beton und Stahlbeton für Brücken und Decken in der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie. Die Versuche des Gewölbe-Ausschusses 1890-1892
In der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts konnte sich in der Österreich-Ungarischen Monarchie der Baustoff Beton nur langsam gegen traditionelle Bautechniken behaupten. Die Informationsknappheit und das Fehlen einer vollständigen Theorie waren dafür ausschlaggebend, insbesondere bei Gewölben. Als Reaktion auf diese Situation wurde 1890 innerhalb des Österreichischen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereins ein Komitee, der Gewölbe-Ausschuss, gebildet, um systematisch Reihen von Belastungsversuchen an Gewölben verschiedener Dimensionen und verschiedener Materialien für Brücken und für Decken zu organisieren. Dabei konnten mit dem Monier-System und Stampfbeton hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielt werden.

Menegotto, MarcoThe aim of fib publishingStructural Concrete2/201163-64Editorial


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