fib Symposium 2017
The Concrete Association (Betonvereniging) and the Belgian Concrete Group (Belgische Betongroepering) will be jointly organising the annual fib symposium in 2017. The event will be held between 12 – 14 June at the MECC in Maastricht. Besides the Concrete Association and the Concrete Group, Germany will also be represented via Aachen University (professor Joseph Hegger).
The theme of the fibsymposium2017:
High tech concrete: Where technology and engineering meet!
The fib (Fédération internationale du béton / International Federation for Structural Concrete), formed by 43 national member groups and approximately 1,000 individual or corporate members, is a not-for-profit association committed to advancing the technical, economic, aesthetic and environmental performance of concrete structures worldwide. Visit the fib homepage