Register now: Grouting Fundamentals & Current Practice 2023 in Munich
Established in 1979, this renowned course has provided training and education to thousands of grouting professionals worldwide. If your interests focus on honing technical skills, understanding the geotechnical grouting market, or learning new grouting procedures and applications, this is your course.
42nd Course Offering: April 24–27, 2023 in Munich, Germany
The 4-day course concentrates on grouting methods and procedures for creating engineered ground. Geotechnical improvement of soil and rock masses is covered with special emphasis on mechanisms, theories, procedures and applications. Ground densification and strengthening, permeability reduction, liquefaction remediation, dam rehabilitation, void filling, structural repair and groundwater cutoffs are some of the major topics covered.
The curriculum has been developed specifically for contractors, consultants, owners and regulatory agencies involved in a broad array of geo-structural construction and remediation activities. The exceptional course faculty has been assembled to provide unparalleled breath and expertise concerning grouting technologies and international best practices.
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