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Anchor Technology in Concrete and Masonry for Practitioners and Engineers

Küenzlen, Jürgen H. R. / Scheller, Eckehard / Becker, Rainer / Immel, Thorsten

Anchor Technology in Concrete and Masonry for Practitioners and Engineers

With Recommendations for the Execution and Evaluation of Job Site Tests (incl. E -Book as PDF)

December 2024
  • XVI, 296 pages
  • 226 figures
  • 28 tables
  • Softcover
  • English
ISBN: 978-3-433-03303-6

Incl. a DRM-protected e-book, you will need Adobe Digital Editions and an Adobe ID to read it.


Prices incl. VAT

Table of contents

1 Introduction

1.1 General

1.2 By way of an introduction: a real conversation about anchors in a private situation

1.3 Anchor technology for professionals

2 European regulations

2.1 General

2.2 European Technical Assessment (ETA)

2.3 CE marking

2.4 The most important regultions referred to in this book

3 Base material - In what material do I want to fasten my anchors?

3.1 General

3.2 Identifying the base material on the construction site

3.2.1 Identifying the base material by means of construction documents

3.2.2 Identifying the base material without construction documents

4 Base materials in detail

4.1 Concrete

4.1.1 General

4.1.2 Cracked (reinforced) concrete

4.1.3 Uncracked concrete

4.1.4 Types of concrete

4.1.5 Compressive strength classes

4.2 Masonry

4.2.1 General

4.2.2 Solid and vertically perforated clay bricks

4.2.3 Solid and perforated calcium silicate units

4.2.4 Solid and hollow lightweight concrete blocks

4.2.5 Aerated concrete blocks

4.2.6 Autoclaved aerated concrete: wall, floor and roof panels

4.2.7 Solid and hollow masonry units made from normal-weight concrete

4.2.8 Natural stone

4.2.9 Base materials subsequently insulated

5 Environment - Which external influences affect my fastenings?

5.1 General

5.2 Temperature

5.3 Freezing Temperatures

5.4 Fire

5.5 Corrosion

5.5.1 Advice in the approvals for anchors

5.5.2 Advice for anchoring fastenings in concrete according to EN 1992-4

5.5.3 Additional helpful information

6 Member dimensions - Where can I install my anchor?

6.1 Definitions of important terms and dimensions in anchor technology

6.2 (Minimum) member thickness

6.2.1 Concrete

6.2.2 Masonry

6.3 Edge distance c

6.3.1 Concrete

6.3.2 Masonry

6.4 Spacing s

6.4.1 Concrete

6.4.2 Masonry

6.5 Regulations for approved plastic anchors

7 Fixtures and anchor plates - What do I want to fasten?

7.1 General

7.2 The theory behind fixtures and anchor plates

7.3 The support of the fixture

7.3.1 General

7.3.2 Fixture with statically determinate supports - single fastening

7.3.3 Fixture with statically indeterminate supports - multiple fastenings

7.3.4 Summary with one example

7.4 Clearance holes in fixtures

7.5 Types of installation

7.5.1 General

7.5.2 Pre-positioned installation

7.5.3 In-place installation

7.6 Hole patterns in fixtures (arrangement of fastenings)

7.7 Fixtures and anchor plates in practice

8 Actions - Which loads act on my fastening?

8.1 General

8.2 Loading directions (nature of the loading)

8.3 Action effects (types of load)

8.4 Design is the job of the planning team!

8.5 An example to illustrate action effects

8.5.1 General

8.5.2 Structural system

8.5.3 Self-weight - dead load

8.5.4 Imposed loads

8.5.5 Actions on the anchors due to dead and imposed loads

8.5.6 Dynamic loads

8.5.7 Summary

9 Anchor systems

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Anchor systems for anchorages in concrete

9.2.1 Metal anchors

9.2.2 Bonded anchors

9.3 Anchor systems for anchorages in concrete and masonry - plastic anchors

9.4 Anchor systems for anchorages in masonry - injection systems

10 Design

11 Installation

11.1 Installation technicians - qualified personnel

11.2 Drill bits - drilling - cleaning out drilled holes

11.2.1 General

11.2.2 Position of the hole

11.2.3 Drilling methods

11.2.4 Cleaning the drilled hole

11.2.5 Aborted holes

11.3 Temperature - processing time - curing time

12 Typical mistakes and what we can do differently or better

12.1 General

12.2 Environment - corrosion

12.3 Member dimensions - edge distances and spacings

12.4 Anchor systems

12.5 Installation of anchors

13 Summary - How do I solve my fastening task?

14 Determining the resistances of plastic anchors and metal injection anchors by means of job site tests

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Principles for job site tests involving masonry base materials

14.3 Responsibilities

14.4 Technical Rule 'Execution and evaluation of job site tests of plastic anchors for use in concrete and masonry with ETA'

14.5 Practical example 1: Tension tests on plastic anchors (tests to failure) - fastening of a façade support structure

14.6 Technical Rule 'Execution and evaluation of job site tests of injection anchor systems for use in masonry with ETA'

14.7 Practical example 2: Tension tests for injection anchors (tests to failure) - fastening a balustrade for a French balcony

14.8 Summary

Appendix 1 Execution and evaluation of job site tests of plastic anchors for use in concrete and masonry with ETA in accordance with EAD 330284-00-0604 or ETAG 020

Appendix 2 Execution and evaluation of job site tests of injection anchor systems for use in masonry with ETA in accordance with EAD 330076-00-0604 or ETAG 029