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Dr.-Ing. Hans-Ulrich Litzner says goodbye
18. September 2009

Dr.-Ing. Hans-Ulrich Litzner says goodbye

With September 2009 Dr. Litzner has ended his his activity as a member of the scientific advisory board of the journal Beton-und Stahlbetonbau [Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures].

The new Publisher’s Directory for download
27. August 2009

The new Publisher’s Directory for download

All available books and journals at a glance.

Fernsehturm Stuttgart - a worldwide revolution in tower construction
21. July 2009

Fernsehturm Stuttgart - a worldwide revolution in tower construction

The telecommunication tower in Stuttgart received the title „Historical Landmark of Engineering Art in Germany“ on 11th July 2009. A symbolical date, for on this day Fritz Leonhardt, who had the idea for this innovative telecommunication tower, would have been 100 years old.

Die Kunst des Konstruierens [The Art of Engineering]
12. May 2009

Die Kunst des Konstruierens [The Art of Engineering]

Fritz Leonhardt - a unique exhibition on his lifetime achievements.

Precision Work: Ernst & Sohn Presents Its New Website
28. April 2009

Precision Work: Ernst & Sohn Presents Its New Website

Information must be quick to find. The contents, layout and functionality of the new Ernst & Sohn website are specifically designed to facilitate quick access.

Updated EAU 2004 on CD-ROM Version now available
19. April 2009

Updated EAU 2004 on CD-ROM Version now available

Recommendations of the Committee for Waterfront Structures - Harbours and Waterways.

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