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Transparente Schalen

Schober, Hans

Transparente Schalen

Form, Topologie, Tragwerk

August 2015
  • 256 pages
  • 273 figures
  • 11 tables
  • Hardcover
  • German
ISBN: 978-3-433-03120-9

Prices incl. VAT


This book describes the design, detailing and structural engineering of filigree, double-curved and long-span glazed shells of minimal weights and ingenious details.

About the author

This book draws on the author?s contemplations and experiences, and includes his descriptions of recent developments in the field of transparent shell structures. He gathered these during his time with the engineering firm schlaich bergermann und partner.

Dr.-Ing. Hans Schober graduated in Structural Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, before joining schlaich bergermann und partner in 1982. In 1992 he became a partner at the Stuttgart headquarters, then taking over the position of managing director of the New York branch in 2005. In 2009 he then returned to Stuttgart as partner at sbp until 2013. Since then he has worked as a consultant. As a student of Jörg Schlaich he devoted his time to foot and railway bridges; focusing particularly on the design of filigree transparent shells and stayed cable net facades. On various projects he worked in collaboration with a number of internationally renowned architects including, amongst others, F. O. Gehry, Meinhard von Gerkan und Volkwin Marg (gmp), Rafael Vinoly, Hani Rashid (asymptote), David Childs (SOM), James Carpenter, I. M. Pei, Cesar Pelli, Massimiliano Fuksas, and Shigeru Ban.