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Journal Steel Construction 01/22 published
Cover picture: Extradosed cable-stayed Pelješac Bridge in Croatia
Change of our company name
Since January 3rd we have a new name: Ernst & Sohn GmbH. With this a new tax number (47020/34142) was necessary. Our address and contact details remain the same. Please change our company name and tax number in your records. Existing contracts do not have to be redrafted, as we are the official legal successor of our old company Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG.
You will find all information collected in our imprint:
Journal Steel Construction 04/21 published
Cover picture: Advance Bridge Expert – The new predesign software offered by ArcelorMittal
Journal Geomechanics and Tunnelling 5/21 published
Cover picture: Safer tunnelling through the use of the AT – Pipe Umbrella System
The Ernst & Sohn Publishing Index 2022
The new Ernst & Sohn Publishing 2022 provides an overview of our products, fields of expertise and services in an attractive layout. On 96 pages you will find all available titles (German and English titles) and new publications – with table of contents and index.
Special: European Steel Design Awards 2021
Journal Geomechanics and Tunnelling 4/21 published
Cover picture: DSI Hollow Bar System secure tunnels of a hydro power plant in Bhutan