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27. bis29. Juli - Online-Veranstaltung - Sie treffen Ernst & Sohn: virtual exhibition stand

9th International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete (CCIX)

The main focus of the conference series is to provide an opportunity for researchers, practitioners and engineers to share and discuss their research, practical experience and innovations related to composite constructions with their peers in an open, international forum. Contributions should include fundamental work that progress the understanding and application of composite construction as well as technological developments and case studies.

One of the principles of the conference series is that it should be a forum where the latest research and case studies are presented. Papers are therefore submitted only a few months before the conference and may be adapted based on the outcome of the discussions during the conference before final publication, which ensures that only the most current work is presented. In addition to the plenary and parallel sessions of the conference, CCIX will provide an opportunity for further discussions both formally following presentations and informally through the socialising activities.

Stromberg is a calm village in Germany which allows both outdoor activities and interesting on-site technical visits. The venue is centrally located between the urban regions of Rhein-Main/Frankfurt, Rhein-Ruhr and Rhein-Neckar and can be easily reached from Frankfurt International Airport.

We are delighted to host CCIX in Germany, and we invite you to join us in Stromberg in July 2021. The first announcement and call for papers with additional information will follow soon.

Yours sincerely, The Organising Committee

Prof. Markus Knobloch (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

Prof. Ulrike Kuhlmann (Universität Stuttgart)

Prof. Wolfgang Kurz (TU Kaiserslautern)

Prof. Markus Schäfer (University of Luxembourg)