ICSA 2022 - The International Conference on Structures and Architecture
The International Conference on Structures and Architecture is the world's leading and largest global conference bridging the gap between Structures and Architecture.
The aim of ICSA2022 is to gather research and practical developments on the synergetic potential of architecture and structural engineering in an international, serious, and open environment bringing together researchers, practitioners and students. We want to use this occasion to thank all of those already involved in the organization of ICSA2022; members of the Local Organising Committee, the International Scientific Committee, Keynote Speakers, Mini-Symposia- and Special Session organizers, and Sponsors, for their highly valuable effort in making ICSA2022 a successful exploration of future directions for a viable urban development. With this framing, ICSA2022 stresses the commitment and responsibility of structures and architecture as drivers of a viable urban development that address the pressing global social, economic, and environmental challenges facing us.
We are pleased to share with you the launch of the Call for Participation for contributions in two categories:
- call for Research Papers including contributions to a series of general conference themes, special sessions and mini-symposia;
- call for Critical Practices, which is a new experimental contribution format intended to bridge research in academia and research in practice by means of physical prototypes.
The full description of the Call for Participation can be found in:
Detailed information of the Abstract Submission via our Easy Chair account can be found in:
We should be most grateful if you help us help us disseminating this information among potentially interested colleagues and professionals.